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Redwood Church of God

Mission Statement

The Redwood Church of God mission is to make disciples, raise up leaders, and create an environment within the church body for the love of God to flourish through the filling of the Holy Spirit. We focus on Godly character development as we follow Jesus Christ as our example. We encourage and desire the manifestation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to be demonstrated in our services. A Love relationship with God and one another is considered essential in the ongoing development of our Christian walk. We express our love outwardly through selfless serving the needs of the Kingdom of God and the needs of others.

Vision Statement

Redwood Church of God is an International Church Ministry. We send groups of spirit filled teams of leaders to nations where help is needed to establish churches and housing for the body of Christ. We work side by side with the leaders of these churches teaching them how to bring the church and housing together as one. The leaders sent will be qualified and experienced in establishing church structure and all phases of housing operations. We will remain until such a time the church and housing are operating efficiently, orderly and according to the Word of God. The Redwood Church will periodically rotate with fresh teams of leaders as a means of introducing them to this high calling of God and to bless the Body of Christ with leaders of various spiritual gifts and abilities.

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